Thanks to the innovation of our DDTS application, we increase safety in rail and road transport
Can you imagine how many systems are necessary for the smooth operation of the station or who checks their function when there is no staff at the station? For these and many other reasons, the rail transport sector has demanded the introduction of a system for remote supervision of the functionality of these systems (DDTS) and their unattended operation.
How DDTS works?
Information from individual technological systems, such as lighting, radio, cameras, information boards, electric switch heating, air conditioning, air handling, etc., are combined in the integration concentrators (SandRA Z210 control system) of the respective railway stations. These are connected via a data network to the integration servers. Client workstations and control rooms are connected to these. As a result, the responsible persons have all the up-to-date information at their disposal, which they can view at any time and react quickly and efficiently to situations that arise.
Automatic creation of DDTS applications
Společnost ZAT se oblastí dálkové diagnostiky technologických systémů zabývá od roku 2012. Každoročně investujeme do vývoje přes 30 milionů korun. V letošní roce jsme se zaměřili také na inovaci tohoto systému. Jedním z požadavků byla i automatická tvorba aplikací DDTS tak, abychom byli schopni co nejrychleji reagovat na požadavky zákazníka.
ZAT has been involved in remote diagnostics of technological systems since 2012. Every year we invest over 30 million crowns in development. This year we have also focused on the innovation of this system. One of the requirements was the automatic creation of DDTS applications so that we are able to respond to customer requirements as quickly as possible.
Previously, programmers created the DDTS application manually, i.e. they manually connected signals from technologies to the displayed elements in the application. This was not only time-consuming, but also created the possibility of errors. As part of the development requirement, we launched DDTS Asist, an auxiliary software for automatic creation of DDTS applications. The new software is able to take data from the database, link it to elements in the visualization and then automatically create the appropriate visualization windows including the alarm tree. The dispatcher is then automatically alerted to, for example, a switch heating failure, which has a major impact on operational safety.
The DDTS Asist diagnostic system is designed for use in rail and road transport. Currently, our DDTS application is used for example by dispatching centres in Pilsen, České Budějovice, Ústí nad Labem or Hradec Králové.
For more information, please contact Milan Hucl, Director of Smart Systems Division.