Our vision
ZAT supplies intelligent control systems for a wide range of industries worldwide.
We focus on industries with high demands on safety and reliability and on technologies and services that require innovative and individual solutions.
We help our customers to continuously improve the operational efficiency of their technologies.
We focus on the industries of the future
ZAT develops and deploys control systems that meet long-term customer requirements and expectations for data processing and presentation on modern platforms.
One of ZAT's strategic goals is to develop and strengthen software services, custom development and creation of independent superstructures of enterprise systems, from which clients obtain additional information and functions for analysis, development and management of the company. We focus on the development of superstructure solutions and intelligent systems related to process visualization, user interface, security and working with BigData.
In 2018, we were one of the first companies in the country to launch a new platform based on IoT technology called SimONet (Simply On Net) designed for wireless collection, storage, evaluation and visualization of information via IoT technology.
As we supply to the critical infrastructure of the country, we also place emphasis on cybersecurity in our development.

The development of decentralised sources and electromobility brings requirements for strengthening existing and building new infrastructure. Replacing large spinning sources with smaller, mostly static ones requires a change in the structure of support service provision.
Emerging distribution system operators need a high-quality and reliable control system that will be able to respond quickly to current storage needs and the state of the distribution system.
Our control rooms built on SimONet technology will provide distributors with unattended and trouble-free operation. They provide comprehensive data collection, management and visualization using devices that can be easily and securely displayed - and controlled - on mobile devices. At the same time, it will also offer monitoring of the managed locality or building. In the future, it will be possible to supplement it with a sales dispatch center, which will be able to trade autonomously with the regulatory authority and the market.

Telemedicine or E-health is now an integral part of modern healthcare. Our company is one of the European leaders in the development and deployment of telemedicine applications.
We provide custom development of modern software applications to streamline healthcare, including secure communication systems for the exchange of health data between doctors, patients and insurance companies.
Our customers include polyclinics, health insurance companies and nursing homes.

ZAT is where we want to work
At ZAT I'm not alone. My colleagues and I trust each other, inspire each other, collaborate and share the good and the bad.
At ZAT, we are proud of the real results of our work. Iron and bolts as well as 1s and 0s come to life together and give soul to the technologies of the future.
Innovation is the future, which is why at ZAT we follow trends, learn new things and we are always evolving.
Successful and interesting projects, a cooperative team and the sharing of long-term experience form the solid roots of ZAT.
Nothing unsettles the ZAT employee. They have the opportunity to do what they enjoy and what is needed. They prepare themselves for the challenges of the future and tackle unexpected obstacles.
By following safety rules, we protect ourselves and our products and are prepared for unknown threats. ZAT makes the world a safer place.