Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant

Czech Republic
Year of completion
Project for renewal of the Dukovany NPP control system
We also made full use of our experience in the field of automation equipment in the Dukovany NPP I&C Renewal project, which was launched in 2000. The general contractor was Škoda JS. Our company ZAT together with the companies Framatome (France) and I&C Energo (Czech Republic) were among the most important subcontractors of the first stage of the Renewal. The project addressed the replacement of existing control and safety systems (module M1) and information systems (module M2) for all four blocks. The original Russian systems, which were implemented in 1985, were already obsolete and difficult to maintain due to the unavailability of spare parts.
From 2008 to 2015, the second stage of the Renewal took place, where we, as a subcontractor of Škoda JS, implemented systems for managing the technology of the secondary and primary part, self-consumption management, turbosets and the supply of a diagnostic information system.
The goal of the renewal in both stages was to create conditions for the operation of the power plant at least until 2025. The project included improving the information environment of operators, reducing the volume of equipment maintenance, improving the transmission of information for nuclear power plant managers, improving communication between operators and the reactor unit manager and, of course, increasing the quality and reliability of equipment.
The scope of our supplies within the I&C Renewal project
RRCS (Reactor Rod Control System) and SGPS (Steam Generator Protection System) systems were supplied for module M1. While RRCS is a system fully developed and manufactured by ZAT, the SGPS system was largely developed by I&C Energo.
PCS, IN-CORE systems were supplied for module M2. In the case of PCS, it is a technological computer information system, which has no direct connection with nuclear safety and serves primarily to support the operator's decision-making.
System for block control room, system for emergency control room, system for primary circuit control, system for secondary circuit control and system for turboset control (protection and control) were supplied for module M3, M4 and M5.

Customer feedback
"Dear suppliers, the renewal of M1 and M2 on our third block was successful, so - GUYS THANK YOU!"
Zdeněk Linhart, Jaroslav Vlček, František Prokop, Josef Rosol
ČEZ a.s.
