Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant

Year of completion
Control of reactor rods on the first block of a new Finnish power plant
We have implemented another successful project in the field of nuclear power engeneering in Europe. In February 2020, we put the RRCS control system for the primary part of the first block of the Loviisa nuclear power plant in Finland into standard operation.
As part of the implementation of the project, we were also involved in the licensing process at the Finnish State Office for Nuclear Safety STUK.
The most modern system for safe and reliable operation
The delivery of the RRCS (reactor rod control system) to the first block took three years. The SandRA control system, applied here, is one of the most modern control systems for VVER-type nuclear power plants in the world. The Finnish power plant ensures safe and reliable operation, including fuel change in the reactor, for the duration of the plant's life cycle, ie at least twenty years. We followed up on the completed project by signing a contract with the nuclear power plant operator, Fortum Oy, for the supply of the same technology for the second block of the power plant, which is due to be completed in 2022.


History of cooperation with Loviisa NPP
2018 - 2021
The delivery of the control system of the power part for the control of the position of the reactor control rods of nuclear block No. 1 with the VVER 440 technology took place
2021 - 2022
The delivery of the control system of the power section for controlling the position of the reactor control rods for nuclear block No. 2 is currently underway
As part of the implementation, we were involved in the licensing process at the Finnish State Office for Nuclear Safety STUK