Pakš Nuclear Power Plant

Year of completion
Complete replacement of RRCS and RCS
In March 2015, we concluded an order for a complete replacement of the Reactor Rod Control System (RRCS) and the Reactor Control System (RCS).
We implemented the project in cooperation with ŠKODA JS a.s. gradually at all four blocks of the Pakš I. nuclear power plant in Hungary. Since 2020, the blocks have been fully controlled by the SandRA platform with ZAT SandRA Z101 and Z102 process stations containing special safety functions included in the highest safety categories.
We supply systems closest to the nuclear reaction
The core products of our company in the field of nuclear energy are built at the process stations. Namely, the Reactor Rod Control System (RRCS). Its task is to regulate, slow down or, if necessary, stop the fission reaction in the reactor. The second system is the Reactor Control System (RCS) for reactor power control and is closely linked to the RRCS system. Both systems are crucial for the operation and safety of nuclear power plants.
Thanks to this project, which was the first very successful supply of a Reactor Control System (RCS), ZAT is one of the world's leading suppliers in the field of nuclear power engeneering.


Interesting facts about the implementation
2016 - 2020
ZAT a.s. gradually implements in cooperation with ŠKODA JS a.s. delivery of the project "Replacement of the control and management system at all four blocks of the Pakš I nuclear power plant".
The first very successful delivery of a Reactor Control System (RCS).