Looking back: in 2023, we reintroduced our products to transport companies
ZAT is a major supplier of control systems in the transportation sector. The company offers these companies dispatching and control technology and remote diagnostics for substations powering catenary networks. Since 2023, ZAT has been a member of the Association of Transportation Companies of the Czech Republic, where ZAT actively participates in the meetings of two expert groups: the Transport and Traffic and the Fixed Traction Equipment groups.
Meetings of their representatives are held twice a year. At the autumn events of the expert groups our colleagues presented ZAT products for this segment. During the meeting of the expert group Fixed Traction Equipment in Zlín, our colleague Ondřej Stark presented our competences with an emphasis on one of the main ZAT products in transportation - dispatching control technology (DŘT). He supplemented the information with a real demonstration of the Sandra Z210 control system hardware.
The competences of ZAT in the field of remote diagnostics (DDTS) were presented by our colleague Radoslav Škarda at the meeting of the Transport and Traffic expert group in Nitra. He also attended the Board of Directors meeting in December in Beroun, where he again spoke about ZAT products for transportation companies.
"In addition to transportation companies, the events are attended by companies that have long been established on the transportation company market. The presentation of our competences allows us, in addition to establishing relationships with the end customer - i.e. transportation companies, to develop cooperation with these suppliers," says Milan Hucl, Director of the Smart Systems Division.
The meetings of the expert groups also include a tour of the transportation companies and familiarization with their control rooms. "The tours allow us to understand the real operational needs of transportation companies and to find solutions that will benefit the end customer," adds Hucl.
The Association of Transportation Companies of the Czech Republic is an interest grouping of 22 companies and other companies that are their suppliers.
Information about our products for transportation companies can be found on the ZAT website.